Алмазный Источник Черника В Серебряной Росе

Almaznyy Istochnik Chernika V Serebryanoy Rose
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Контакты:  +7 985 306-97-67
КОИ:  1.61%
Клеймо:  DUG
Окрас:  Волчий
Пол:  сука
Возраст:  5 месяцев
Родилась:  16 июня 2024
Заводчик:  Грушевская Наталья. Питомник "Алмазный Источник" (Нижний Тагил)
Созаводчик:  Бахарева Ирина. Питомник "Молодые Ветра" (Москва)


Cinereus Arctic Prince Of Star Cinereus Arctic Prince Of Star
PHPT-negative, HD-A, ED-0
Arctic Kees Dancing With The Stars Arctic Kees Dancing With The Stars
PHPT-negative, HD-A, ED-0
Windrift's Line Dancer Windrift's Line Dancer
HD-A, PHPT-negative
Windrift's Dance To The Music Windrift's Dance To The Music
Windrift's Mutual Funds Windrift's Mutual Funds
Windrift's Right Choice Windrift's Right Choice
Windrift's Mutual Assets Windrift's Mutual Assets
Windrift's Right Choice Windrift's Right Choice
Arctic Kees Brilliant Disguise Arctic Kees Brilliant Disguise
HD-A, ED-0, PL-0, PHPT-negative
Kemont's Skyline Game Boy Kemont's Skyline Game Boy
HD-A, ED-0, PL-0, PHPT-negative
Keeshee's Lock Stock 'N Barrel Keeshee's Lock Stock 'N Barrel
HD-A, PL-0, PHPT-negative
Skyline's Material Girl Skyline's Material Girl
HD-A, PL-0, PHPT-negative,
Clandara She's The One-Nz Clandara She's The One-Nz
HD-C, ED-0, PL-0, PHPT-negative
Trumpet's Send In The Clowns Trumpet's Send In The Clowns
HD-B, ED-0, PHPT-negative
Clandara Icemaiden Clandara Icemaiden
Clandara Van Steel
Clandara Lace
Cinereus Rintin Sunshine Cinereus Rintin Sunshine
ED-0/0, HD-A/A, PHPT-negative
Finriikan Queran Finriikan Queran
HD-A, ED-0, PL-0, PHPT-negative
Lohamras Quincy Lohamras Quincy
HD-B, ED-0, PHPT-negative
Lohamras Hakuna Matata Lohamras Hakuna Matata
HD-A, ED-0
Jo-Lyn's Pied Piper Jo-Lyn's Pied Piper
HD-B, ED-0,
Henniina's Heissulivei Henniina's Heissulivei
HD-A, ED-0, PL-0, PHPT-negative
Lohamras Django Lohamras Django
HD-A/B, ED-0, PL-0
Yllabo Moria Yllabo Moria
Айстраум Изабелла Айстраум Изабелла
Eyes-clean, Test of the heart-clean
Piccadillycircus Del Monte Dragnone Piccadillycircus Del Monte Dragnone
HD-A, PHPT-negative
Cinereus Francaise De Sanna Gourska Cinereus Francaise De Sanna Gourska
HD-B, ED-I, PL-0, PHPT-negative
Volfgang D'arlande Volfgang D'arlande
HD-A, PHPT-negative
Arklow's Phoenix Rising Arklow's Phoenix Rising
Silver Shadow De Sanna Gourska Silver Shadow De Sanna Gourska
Pako's Sake
Pako's Unica Pako's Unica
Uba-Uba D'arlande Uba-Uba D'arlande
HD-A, PHPT-negative
Windrift's Hot Mail Windrift's Hot Mail
Soraya D'arlande Soraya D'arlande
Arklow's Phoenix Rising Arklow's Phoenix Rising
Eswood Charming Avec Eswood Charming Avec
undefined, PHPT-negative
Eswood Alvkarl Eswood Alvkarl
PHPT-negative, HD-C, ED-0, Eyes-clean
Arctic Kees Creme De La Creme Arctic Kees Creme De La Creme
HD-C, ED-0, PHPT-negative
Kemont's Skyline Game Boy Kemont's Skyline Game Boy
HD-A, ED-0, PL-0, PHPT-negative
Keeshee's Lock Stock 'N Barrel Keeshee's Lock Stock 'N Barrel
HD-A, PL-0, PHPT-negative
Skyline's Material Girl Skyline's Material Girl
HD-A, PL-0, PHPT-negative,
Clandara She's The One-Nz Clandara She's The One-Nz
HD-C, ED-0, PL-0, PHPT-negative
Clandara Icemaiden Clandara Icemaiden
Eswood Dreamcatcher Eswood Dreamcatcher
HD-A, ED-I, PHPT-negative
Keestorpets Ultramarine Keestorpets Ultramarine
HD-B, ED-0, PHPT-negative
Eswood Maple Mousse Eswood Maple Mousse
HD-B, ED-0, PHPT-negative
Keesbrook's Boldly Go Keesbrook's Boldly Go
HD-B, PHPT-negative
Eswood Blueberry Pie Eswood Blueberry Pie
HD-A, ED-0, PHPT-positive
Eswood Under My Umbrella Eswood Under My Umbrella
ED-0/0, HD-B/A
Nynka Bella Nivalis Nynka Bella Nivalis
HD-A, ED-0, PHPT-negative
Windrift's Teddy Bear Windrift's Teddy Bear
Koblstone's Jailhouse Rock Koblstone's Jailhouse Rock
HD-A, PHPT-negative
Clandara Deva For Nynka
Clandara Xanadu Clandara Xanadu
Lars Sumbarsky Pramen Lars Sumbarsky Pramen
Trumpet's Runnin' Down A Dream Trumpet's Runnin' Down A Dream
Shakota's Shot In The Dark Shakota's Shot In The Dark
HD-A, ED-0, PHPT-negative,
Trumpet's Pinball Wizard Trumpet's Pinball Wizard
HD-A, ED-0, PHPT-negative
Masada Sound Off At Trumpet Masada Sound Off At Trumpet
HD-A, ED-0, PHPT-negative
Trumpet's Tainted Love Trumpet's Tainted Love
HD-A, ED-0, PHPT-negative
Trumpet's Send In The Clowns Trumpet's Send In The Clowns
HD-B, ED-0, PHPT-negative
Laser's Crown Jewel Laser's Crown Jewel
HD-A, ED-0, PHPT-negative
Arctic Kees Bring On The Night Arctic Kees Bring On The Night
HD-B, PHPT-negative
Kemont's Skyline Game Boy Kemont's Skyline Game Boy
HD-A, ED-0, PL-0, PHPT-negative
Keeshee's Lock Stock 'N Barrel Keeshee's Lock Stock 'N Barrel
HD-A, PL-0, PHPT-negative
Skyline's Material Girl Skyline's Material Girl
HD-A, PL-0, PHPT-negative,
Clandara She's The One-Nz Clandara She's The One-Nz
HD-C, ED-0, PL-0, PHPT-negative
Clandara Icemaiden Clandara Icemaiden
Eswood Pure Mousse Eswood Pure Mousse
HD-B, ED-0, PHPT-negative
Stratus The Philanderer Stratus The Philanderer
HD-A, ED-0, PHPT-negative
Brykin Bourree Brykin Bourree
Eswood Maple Mousse Eswood Maple Mousse
HD-B, ED-0, PHPT-negative
Keesbrook's Boldly Go Keesbrook's Boldly Go
HD-B, PHPT-negative
Eswood Blueberry Pie Eswood Blueberry Pie
HD-A, ED-0, PHPT-positive


Алмазный Источник Червонный Туз Продаётся
Родился: 16 июня 2024
Алмазный Источник Чудо Как Хороша Продаётся
Родилась: 16 июня 2024

Добавил: Грушевская Наталья
Последним отредактировал: Грушевская Наталья